New Media Lab, S.L. hereinafter US TAX CONSULTANTS, with registered office in Madrid, Travesía de las Cañas, 2 C.P. 28043 and with CIF B85709384, will carry out a promotional action from January15th to June 15th, 2024 aimed at people who meet the requirements established in these bases.


This promotion is aimed exclusively for current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces, their families, of legal age, who do not have limited capacity to act. Anyone who wishes may participate in it, except for the employees of the US TAX CONSULTANTS, suppliers, direct or indirect collaborators who have participated in the preparation or printing of its components, nor spouses or relatives up to the second degree. of consanguinity of US TAX CONSULTANTS employees, this promotion has a national scope. Participation in this promotional action is free.

  1. PRIZE

The raffled prize will be:

Two large Combo menus for two people on the last day and the 15th of each month.

To be delivered at the Nathan’s Restaurant located at the Rota Base Airport.

The prize must be enjoyed before June 15th, 2024.

US TAX CONSULTANTS reserves the right to substitute the prizes for others of similar characteristics, without the winner being entitled to restitution or compensation of any kind.


This promotion will be communicated and offered when completing and sending acceptance of participation at the mobile APP.

The data requested will be your personal data (mane, last name, email and phone number) having to expressly accept the conditions on the processing of your data in accordance with current Spanish legislation.

This promotion is limited to one participation per person in every raffle, with the organizing company empowered to exclude all data that is considered duplicate.

The prize is personal and non-transferable, that is, if for any reason the winner cannot or does not want to accept the prize, or renounces it, the prize will be forfeited.

In no case will the exchange of the prize be accepted for its cash equivalent or for any other prize.


The promotional campaign will take place on the following dates:

Start and end date of the promotion: The promotional campaign will take place from January15th to June 15th, 2024.

To participate in the raffle once the required data has been completed, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Conditions of Participation, US TAX CONSULTANTS will take care of its custody, and the person will be registered in the raffle.

Participants authorize any verification of data transmitted during participation.

The Raffle will take place 9 times during 2024 on the following dates: February 15th and 29th, March 15th and 31st, April 15th and 30th, May 15th, and 30th and June 15th. The Raffle will be carried our among all registered registrants between any of these dates.

The result of the draw will be published on our website, as well as on our social networks and the winner will be notified by e-mail within the following 24 hours of the draw. The winner must expressly accept the prize within three (3) calendar days following the publication of the winners and prove their identity. Once the acceptance and the Military ID have been received, the US TAX CONSULTANTS will notify the winner how to enjoy their prize.

The delivery and, the lack of acceptance within a period of three (3) calendar days from the communication of the prize, will result in the loss of the right to enjoy the prize, leaving the prize void.

US TAX CONSULTANTS reserves the right to make changes or add successive annexes to its mechanics and prizes, provided they are justified or do not harm the participants.


Four draws will be held on February 15th and 29th, March 15th and 31st, April 15th and 30th, May 15th, and 30th and June 15th, among duly registered participants and through a random draw system, carried out by US TAX CONSULTANTS staff.

US TAX CONSULTANTS reserves the right to delay holding the draw if there is any reason that could justify it.


The organizing company reserves the right to shorten, extend, modify, or cancel this promotion, if there are exceptional circumstances that prevent its realization, communicating said circumstances in such a way as to avoid any damage to the participants in the promotion.

US TAX CONSULTANTS will not be responsible for delays, losses or deterioration due to causes that are not attributable to it. The organizing company will not be responsible for cases of force majeure that could prevent the winner from enjoying all or part of their prize.

Likewise, US TAX CONSULTANTS will be exempt from all liability if any of the aforementioned cases occur, as well as from any liability for damages that may be caused during the enjoyment of the prize.

US TAX CONSULTANTS excludes any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the temporary lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the Web through which the promotion is participated, to the defrauding of the utility that the users could have attribute to the same and, in particular, although not exclusively, to failures in accessing the different pages and sending participation responses through the Internet.

The organizing company reserves the right to eliminate from the promotion for justified cause any user who defrauds, alters, or disables the proper functioning and the normal and regulatory course of the same.


For the purposes provided in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter “RGPD”), it is established that the acceptance of the prize by the winners implies the express granting of the authorization to US TAX CONSULTANTS to use their name and last names, as well as their image, in any public or dissemination activity related to this promotion, without being entitled to remuneration or obtaining any other benefit other than the delivery of the prize. The refusal will imply the automatic resignation of the promotion.

The data provided by the participants will be treated confidentially and compiled in an automated file of personal data, being US TAX CONSULTANTS the owner and responsible for said file, with address in Madrid, calle Caballero de Gracia. 24 4ºDrch, whose purpose will be the communication of future releases and promotions of tax services.

In the case of commercial communications sent via email or equivalent means, the User gives us his express consent to send advertising by said means.

US TAX CONSULTANTS guarantees full compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data in the processing of personal data collected in this promotion, especially as regards the attention to the exercise of the rights of information, access, rectification, opposition, and cancellation of personal data of the contestants.

Interested parties may exercise the rights of access, rectification, opposition, and cancellation, by sending a request to the email address


The mere fact of participating in this promotion implies acceptance of these bases without any reservation. For any questions about these bases, they should be addressed to


These bases are governed by Spanish Law and both the participants and US TAX CONSULTANTS, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, expressly submit, for the knowledge of any dispute that may arise regarding the interpretation or application of these Bases, to the Jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.