vs. SL
Autonom@s vs. SL
We help you decide if it is more beneficial for you for tax purposes to be self-employed or integrate a limited liability company in Spain, even if it may be worth having an LLC in the United States.
We can prepare all kinds of documents to register you with the Spanish Social Security in the special RETA regime in Spain, for the self-employed and prepare, on your behalf, the quarterly and annual declarations that correspond your tax status.
On the contrary, we can also take care of the integration of a Limited Company in Spain, tailored to your needs, its accounting, the presentation of quarterly and annual declarations, as well as filing the books and accounts in the Mercantile Registry every year.
If necessary, we can help you or guide you with in the integration of a LLC in the US and its accounting. We can help you to decide if you need a sole proprietorship, a Partnership, a S-Corp or a C-Corp.
We will provide you with basic tools to report and file the correspondent tax returns in both Spain and the U.S.A.
We accompany you throughout the process with the best tax experts in each of the different topics.