
Need-To-Know Seminars 2022

Feb 17, 2022 | FBAR, IRS - Internal Revenue Service, US Tax Return 1040 / 1040NR | 2 comments

Following our previous post from January with the basic information of the NTK Seminars that we will held in March and April, her you will find a general description of the contents and final dates and locations of the seminars.

As usual they are all free and most of them will also be offered in streaming.

Everything you Need To Know about your Fiscal Obligations in Spain and in the U.S.A. for the year 2021.

Tax residency and the Treaty between Spain and the USA to avoid the double taxation. Totalization agreement between both Social Securities, and the Status of Forces Agreement. TCJA – Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Trump’s Fiscal reform applied to individuals. Recovery Rebate Credit. Form 1040: Worldwide income, possible deductions, and exclusions. FBAR and FATCA implications on your reporting. FinCEN 114 report of financial accounts outside the U.S.A.

U.S. Citizens taxation in Spain for IRPF (fiscal resident) and IRNR (no-fiscal residents). New tax breaks for next year. Beckham Law. Modelo 720 report of foreign assets. and cryptocurrencies. Penalties for not filing and the automatic exchange of information between the IRS and the AEAT. Why you should use the same Tax preparer for both the Spanish and the U.S. tax returns.

REGISTRATION: April 5th – Madrid: https://ustaxconsultants.es/events/ntk-seminar-madrid-fiscal-obligations-for-us-expats-2022/

REGISTRATION FOR THE STREAMING SESSION: April 5th – OnLine 18:00 to 20:00: https://acortar.link/VtzXp5

All seminars are free, but REGISTRATION is REQUIRED. We have moved the Seminars in Malaga and Sevilla to the streaming option on April 5th.

If you have any further questions, please, do not hesitate to call us:
U.S. Tax Consultants
Phone +34 915194392


  1. Maynard B. Fielding

    I live in Galicia, do or can you do my taxes, by mail ? I have a small income from a rented place in Madrid, also expensives, for other places that I live in .

    • Flavia Moneo

      Unfortunately we are no going to give any seminar at the moment in the North.
      Regarding your taxes we can help you, feel free to call to the office or email us and we will let you know how the process is.



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