
American Club of Madrid, NTK Seminars: Expats-VISAs, Nationality, and Children Born in Spain…

Dec 9, 2018 | AEAT, Immigration | 0 comments

FreeRequired registration: https://bit.ly/2QerTXZ

January24, 2019 19:00 at Sagardoy Abogados Training Center c/ Tutor, 24 – 28008 Madrid- Maximum 40 pax

Presenter: Ana Garicano (Partner at Sagardoy Abogados)

Expats-VISAs,Nationality, and Children Born in Spain…: Options to the acquisitionof Spanish nationality by US nationals born or residing in Spain. Nationalityby residence, nationality by option and nationality with value of simplepresumption. Options and requirements for U.S. Citizens for transmission ofcitizenship to children born in Spain. Current situation for acquisition ofSpanish citizenship by US citizens. Residency for children born in Spain. Thenationality of the Sephardi originally Spanish and with links to the country.

Upcoming events

Feb. 6th – Modelo 720 & FATCA, How it affects expats. Future Years returns. https://bit.ly/2Ebfaio

AWC of Seville Feb 7 th – Fiscal obligations: IRPF & 720; 1040 &FBAR New Tax Code: “Tax Cuts and Job Act” SEVILLA

Málaga TownHall Feb 14 th – Fiscal obligations: IRPF & 720; 1040 &FBAR New Tax Code: “Tax Cuts and Job Act” MALAGA

Feb. 21st – Investments for US Citizens: Where, when and how. PFICs & Form 8621- https://bit.ly/2Q3n1Fh

Feb. 28th – Fiscal obligations: IRPF & 720; 1040 &FBAR New Tax Code: “Tax Cuts and Job Act” – https://bit.ly/2P4lwB7

May. 23th – Transmissions: Inheritances and Gift Tax in Spain and the U.S.A. Fiscal and civil aspects. https://bit.ly/2QIzHAP

Jun. 20th – PYMES vs Autonomos (self-employed) How to set up a SL in Spain. Obligations and forms with the AEAT & SS. https://bit.ly/2SyjQlz


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