
Modelo 720 and its repercussions on Modelo 100 and 714

Dic 28, 2024 | Sin categorizar | 0 Comentarios

Modelo 720, established by the Spanish Tax Administration Agency (AEAT), is an informative declaration that requires Spanish taxpayers who own assets and rights abroad with an aggregate value of more than €50,000 to report these assets. Although it is not a tax in itself, the correct presentation of this form is crucial to avoid sanctions and to ensure that the information is aligned with the data reported in Modelo 714, which corresponds to the Declaration of Assets (Wealth Tax) and the Modelo 100 (the Income Tax). Failure to comply with or incorrectly present Modelo 720 can lead to serious tax consequences.


The penalties for not presenting Modelo 720 or for doing so incorrectly are significant. Currently, if the form is not presented, the fine can be 5,000 euros for each group of assets or rights not declared, with a minimum of 10,000 euros. If it is presented late voluntarily, with errors or incomplete, the fines are 1,500 euros for each group of assets affected. Furthermore, if it is found that relevant information has been concealed, the consequences can be even more severe.

Modelo 720 vs Modelo 714

The connection between Modelo 720 and Modelo 714 is vital, especially for those with investments or property abroad that impact their wealth declaration in Spain. If a taxpayer submits incorrect information on Modelo 720, this can impact Modelo 714, as the AEAT reviews the declarations and may detect inconsistencies in the assets and rights generated by assets not declared correctly on Modelo 720. This could result in a thorough review of the taxpayer’s tax situation, which could include additional penalties and an increase in the tax burden if it is found that assets have been omitted.

Therefore, it is essential that all taxpayers who must file Modelo 720 correctly report all assets as of 31 December. The legislation clearly states that all assets must be declared at their corresponding value on that date, and failure to include an asset can lead to problems with the AEAT. Filing Modelo 720 accurately also affects the proper management of Modelo 714, by ensuring that all assets are duly reflected and that there are no audit or penalty risks.

In summary, proper compliance with Modelo 720 is not only key to avoiding penalties but is also critical for proper estate planning that includes its impact on Modelo 714. Taxpayers must be well informed and take care of their returns to protect themselves from possible audits, penalties and future complications with the Tax Administration (AEAT). The advice of US Tax Consultants as tax professionals becomes essential to ensure regulatory compliance and the optimization of the taxpayer’s tax burden.

Modelo 720 vs Modelo 100

Finally, it is essential that all taxpayers are aware of the obligation to file Modelo 720 and its direct relationship with Modelo 100 of Personal Income Tax. The tax administration has strengthened its supervisory capacity and will continue to prioritize tax compliance in the global context. Therefore, a correct and complete presentation of Modelo 720 not only avoids penalties, but also contributes to a more effective and less stressful management of assets abroad, providing the taxpayer with greater security and peace of mind.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We offer free consultation and no commitment. US Tax Consultants

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