
Modelo 030 or the first step to be considered non-resident in Spain

Feb 24, 2024 | AEAT, Spanish Tax Return for non-residents | 0 Comentarios

The electronic presentation of the form 030 requires to identify yourself  with Cl@ve Móvil or with an electronic certificate  of DNI through the option «Extraordinary procedure for presentation of Form 030 – not in person».

The model is available in PDF format for printing and presentation on paper in the link «Download the model», within the «Information» section, in the procedures for model 030.

Individuals who do not carry out business or professional activities can use form 030 to:

  • request registration in the Census of taxpayers,
  • modify the tax address,
  • communicate, modify or cancel an address for notification purposes other than the tax address,
  • request NIF for an individual who does not have DNI / NIE ,
  • communicate the modification of identifying data,
  • communicate the change of marital status,
  • request a new card accrediting NIF
  • registration, modification and cancellation of telephone and email to receive notices from the AEAT

However, exceptionally, natural persons who carry out business or professional activities or who satisfy income subject to withholding or deposits on account may use form 030, exclusively to communicate the change in marital status, the modification of identifying data and to request identification labels. In this case, the change of address is made with the census declaration in form 036 or 037.

Instructions for completing form 030 are published on the website in case there are doubts about the data that must be included in the declaration.

To view and print the form 030 in PDF it is necessary to have a compatible PDF viewer installed on the computer or integrated into the internet browser.


If you have any doubt or problem, please do not hesitate to contact us US Tax Consultants or give us a call Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm +34 915194392

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